Organic Search engine optimization
Saturday, December 29, 2007
It delivers results for long time means visitors visit your websites without paying for it. If you follow the rules and guidelines of search engines and read it carefully, it is not very difficult for you to get listed on top.
Before we further talk about how to do SEO organically, keep in mind the following things:
1. Do not use hidden text.
2. Ignore flash and java script in the code.
3. Use meta tags relevant to the page. No keyword stuffing.
4. Use sitemap and add the link of all the web pages and connect it with home page.
5. Do not use copied or duplicate content on the website.
These will discount you from search results and you may never appear on the top no matter how hard you try.
Search engine optimization is a process that is ever changing and evolving. With every day something new comes to the table, a new method of organic SEO. This changing information is what you need to stay in tune with in order to stay ahead of your competition. A good way to stay on top of this is through forums, news developments that are related to the niche, newsletters and networking within your niche.
Search engines need to see the relevance and importance of your blog within your niche so that it can display the search results relevantly. Making sure that your blog is easily accessible and navigable by the search engines, will help you appear in the SERPs(Search engine result pages).
Happy Holidays and best wishes for New Year!
Have fun-Enjoy Life
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Labels: Better Blogging
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 24, 2007
Increase your Blog popularity by Word of Mouth Marketing
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
When it comes to WOMM, it involves various techniques within it- Viral Marketing, Blogs, Community building, and other ways to get people talking about you.
When it comes to getting attention to your blog WOMM can play a very dramatic role. A live example of it is Dosh Dosh. Maki got people talking about her so much that she is now in Technorati top 100 blogs at 28th place.
Putting up a blog may be as simple as getting hitched, but like the actual marriage the real work comes later. It is more than plug and play.
At many places Word of Mouth isn’t marketing at all. It is a fan following and a satisfied reader base, where your readers love to talk about you and your techniques, and how you have helped them. Just as important, WOM can never be deceptive. People only talk about you on two extremes, either they love you for being helpful or they hate you for being deceptive to them. As much as that WOM can really be helpful for branding of your blog but it can also take it all away. Be careful before opting in to follow this.
Word of Mouth Marketing is to be cultivated:
Building your business through word-of-mouth is about cultivating relationships with people who get to know you and trust you- Your Readers. People do business with people they have confidence in.
“All the thing being equal people will buy from a friend. All things being not quite so equal, people will still buy from a friend.”
So if people have already heard about you in a positive feedback, they will trust you more, and are more likely to be a part of your permanent reader-base. WOMM is not about how many you know, but how well you know them. Satisfied audience delivers far better results than any other form of marketing.
Go Out, Be Heard:
What every blogger should know is, blogging is not just about writing posts, but the relationships you build through them. If you want to build your blog through word-of-mouth, you have to be visible and active in the community by participating in various networking groups. Well do not forget to give your valuable comments to other bloggers.
Develop your contact spheres:
Have fun,
Enjoy Blogging,
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Learn from your competitors and get more traffic
Sunday, December 02, 2007
There are times though, when everybody wants more traffic, more comments, more authority, and more fan following. You might have seen at times there are blogs who get 30-50 comments per post, readers ranging in thousands and some might struggle to even get one.
Now one thing you can do for your blog is studying your competitors(other blogger targeting the same niche), and learn from them.
Why does a blogger consistently rank higher than you for important terms? What content, and link building strategies are they using to help attain those rankings? Answer those questions and you'll be one step closer to out-ranking them and bringing that traffic and those comments to your blog.
Whom should you study?
Do not go in after everybody writing about your niche, you will get caught in “Paralysis by analysis”. Instead I would suggest to limit your analysis to 10 blogs or less. You might already know a few already, add them to your list. Fill the rest of your list with blogs that constantly rank higher than you in search engines.
What information should you collect?
There are a plenty of potential metrics that can be used to gauge the competition.
Y! Links -- the number of backlinks the domain has in Yahoo. As you probably already know by now, the quantity and quality of links pointing to a site is extremely relevant in determining how high it ranks. Looking at the particular links that your competition has serves as one of the best ways to learn how they market their blog. It is also one of the best ways to brainstorm potential link building ideas for you’re your own. Get the list of blogs that link to their blog, these become your target to work on.
Last indexed -- this is the date of the last time Google visited the home page of the site. Ideally your blog should be indexed every single day, but it usually depends on how frequently you update your content. If you update content regularly, you should be being indexed at least once per week. You can find this date by clicking the "Cached" link next to any Google search result.
Strongest Pages -- SEOmoz has a great strongest pages tool that will list off the most important pages on a domain, based on number of links pointing to it and its current rankings. This gives you an idea of what content on their domain is causing the high rankings. Is it their popular articles? Whatever their strongest pages, you should take note and use those pages as guidelines for potential additions and modifications to your blog.
Social Networking Sites they use- This is one of the most valuable experiences I had a beginner in blogging. I was to one of my favorite blogs, and saw all the faces appearing on his site. Remember I was new to blogging and Mybloglog had not gained popularity till then. The curiousness took me to MBL and I registered myself. There was no turning back from that moment. That was where BTF gained all its popularity from.
If you have a chance, find out what social network sites and influential circle your competitors have.
Using the information to your advantage
Pretty quickly you'll start to realize that all of the blogs you're analyzing have been around for a few years, are indexed frequently and thoroughly, and have a lot of quality backlinks. So how do you get there? Well there's nothing you can do about the age, but the rest are very much in your control: you can model title tags and page headings after the competition, you can structure your blog and categorize it properly the way that they do, you can add sections related to topics that they rank high for, and you can most definitely expand your link building plan by studying what has worked for them. Ultimately, analyzing and understanding your competition will reduce your learning curve and accelerate the growth of your blog.
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