If you wonder what to blog...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Is it one of those days when you do not have anything to write atall in your blog? Don’t hit yourself on the wall. It is inevitable. Whether your blog is about some niche or about yourself you’ll find days or even weeks when you do not have something to talk about with your readers.
Don’t give it up, here is what you can do-
1. Surf the web and find what others are talking about- It might give you some really exciting new idea. Friendly debates are good, go ahead and present your views, on the topic. If the blog has track back enabled, you and the other blogger will have exchange of visitors, bringing you new ones. This will not only bring traffic to your blog, but attention from people who would like to read the comments from both sides.
2. Newsletters help- If you are like me, you would have subscribed to newsletters, but have never opened them to read. Go to your inbox and find something insightful. Newsletters often bring lots of articles in them. You just hit a jackpot. Do not plagiarize, borrow the idea. Its like the dish you will need to re-cook to it your own. Spice it up with your special dash of lemon.
3. Favorite articles- There might be articles that have helped you with solutions for your problems, help your readers with them. Link to a few of these, write a little summary and how they helped you. You are ready with a very good post of your own.
4. Pick again the topics you already talked about- Now you can either add some more information to what you already have talked about or play the devil’s advocate. Talk about the same thing from the ‘other’ angle. There are many ways to talk about the same thing. Prooving it by a different angle may give your reader clearer picture and you a definitely thought-provoking article.
5. Feature a Site, review a blog- Once a week or a month, you can feature a site or a blog related to your niche. Review a tool that is helpful, your readers will love you for introducing it to them.
6. Invite a guest blogger- Let someone, whose writing style, you like take the charge. You can also post an article that offers free reprint rights. You can let the guest to promote their site, and leave the resource box intact. If you have problems like “I cannot give away visitors” or “I don’t want anybody else to take the credit”, I would like to make you realize something that you consciously or unconsciously know- readers leave your site anyways. They either shut down their computer or take some other steps to leave. So why not give them a reason to return. And that one reason is quality. They will always return back for it- if you give them quality.
Happy Blogging!
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Are you an SEO expert
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I got across this very informative and interesting Quiz at SEOMoz. 84% ain't a bad score I think. Wat Say? Well before you go through the answers below, take the quiz and get your score. Here is where I went wrong...
#1 Which of the following is the least important area in which to include your keyword(s)?
Your Answer: Internal Anchor Text
Correct Answer: Meta Keywords
The meta keywords tag is least important among these because search engines do not consider it in ranking calculations and it's never seen by visitors or searchers (unlike the meta description tag, which displays beneath listings in the SERPs).
#2 Which of the following would be the best choice of URL structure (for both search engines and humans)?
Your Answer: www.wildlifeonline.com/animals/crocodile
Correct Answer: www.wildlifeonline.com/animals/crocodile
The best choice would be www.wildlifeonline.com/animals/crocodile - it provides the most semantic information, the best description of the content on the page and contains no parameters or subdomains that could cause issues at the engines. For more on URL structuring, see this post on SEOmoz.
#3 When linking to external websites, a good strategy to move up in the rankings is to use the keywords you're attempting to rank for on that page as the anchor text of the external-pointing links. For example, if you were attempting to rank a page for the phrase "hulk smash" you would want to use that phrase, "hulk smash" as the anchor text of a link pointing to a web page on another domain.
Your Answer: False
Correct Answer: False
The biggest problem with linking out to other websites with your targeted keyword phrases in the anchor text is that it creates additional competition for your page in the search results, as you give relevance through anchor text and link juice to a competing page on a competing site. Thus, FALSE is the correct answer.
#4 Which of the following is the best way to maximize the frequency with which your site/page is crawled by the search engines?
Your Answer: Frequently add new content
Correct Answer: Frequently add new content
Adding new content on a regular basis is the only one of the methods listed that will promote more frequent spidering and indexing. Tags like crawl delay have never been shown to be effective (and aren't even supported by many of the major engines). The other "partially" correct answer would be to turn up crawl frequency inside Webmaster Central at Google, but this only works if Google wants to crawl your site more actively and is restricted from doing so.
#5 Which of the following is a legitimate technique to improve rankings & traffic from search engines?
Your Answer: Re-writing title tags on your pages to reflect high search volume, relevant keywords
Correct Answer: Re-writing title tags on your pages to reflect high search volume, relevant keywords
Of the choices, only the option to change title tags to reflect better keywords is a legitimate and effective SEO technique.
#6 Danny Sullivan is best known (in the field of web search) as:
Your Answer: The recently-promoted CEO of Ask.com
Correct Answer: A journalist and pundit who covers the field of web search
Although there's an answer we'd love to choose :), the correct answer is that Danny's a journalist and pundit on web search who currently operates the SearchEngineLand blog and runs the SearchMarketingExpo event series.
#7 Which of the following is the WORST criteria for estimating the value of a link to your page/site?
Your Answer: The popularity of the domain on which the page is hosted according to Alexa
Correct Answer: The popularity of the domain on which the page is hosted according to Alexa
Since Alexa data is typically less useful than monkey's throwing darts at a laptop, that's the obvious choice for worst metric. The others can all contribute at least some valuable insight into the value a link might pass.
#8 How can Meta Description tags help with the practice of search engine optimization?
Your Answer: They serve as the copy that will entice searchers to click on your listing
Correct Answer: They serve as the copy that will entice searchers to click on your listing
The correct answer is that they serve as the copy in the SERPs and are thus valuable for influencing click-through rates.
#9 Which of the following content types is most easily crawled by the major web search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN/Live & Ask.com)?
Your Answer: XHTML
Correct Answer: XHTML
XHTML is the obvious choice as the other file types all create problems for search engine spiders.
#10 Which of the following sources is considered to be the best for acquiring competitive link data?
Your Answer: Google
Correct Answer: Yahoo!
Since Yahoo! is the only engine still providing in-depth, comprehensive link data for both sites and pages, it's the obvious choice. Link commands have been disabled at MSN, throttled at Google, never existed at Ask.com and provide only a tiny subset of data at Alexa.
#11 Which of the following site architecture issues MOST impedes the ability of search engine spiders to crawl a site?
Your Answer: Web pages that employ iFrames
Correct Answer: Pages that require form submission to reach database content
Since search engines will assume a site is crawlable if it has no robots.txt file, doesn't have any crawl-specific issues with paid links, can read iFrames perfectly well and is able to spider and index plenty of pages with multiple URL parameters, the correct answer is clear. Pages that require form submission effectively block spiders, as automated bots will not complete form submissions to attempt to discover web content.
#12 What is the generally accepted difference between SEO and SEM?
Your Answer: SEO refers to organic/natural listings while SEM covers PPC, or paid search
Correct Answer: SEO focuses on organic/natural search rankings, SEM encompasses all aspects of search marketing
SEO - Search Engine Optimization - refers to the practice of ranking pages in the organic results at the search engines. SEM - Search Engine Marketing - refers to all practices that leverage search engines for traffic, branding, advertising & marketing.
#13 Which of these is NOT generally considered to be a highly important factor for ranking for a particular search term?
Your Answer: HTML Validation (according to W3C standards) of a page
Correct Answer: HTML Validation (according to W3C standards) of a page
As this document would indicate, W3C validation is clearly the odd man out in this bunch.
#14 When creating a "flat architecture" for a site, you attempt to minimize what?
Your Answer: The number of tabs/windows that open during normal navigation
Correct Answer: The number of links a search engine must follow to reach content pages
Flat site architecture refers to the link structure of the site, and thus, the only answer is "the number of links a search engine must follow to reach content pages."
#15 In the search marketing industry, what is traditionally represented by this graph?
Your Answer: The "long tail" theory of keyword demand
Correct Answer: The "long tail" theory of keyword demand
The graph shown represents the long tail concept, which is most frequently applied to keyword demand in the search marketing world. The theory is explained in detail here.
#16 Which of the following is NOT a "best practice" for creating high quality title tags?
Your Answer: Include an exhaustive list of keywords
Correct Answer: Include an exhaustive list of keywords
Since all the rest are very good ideas for title tag optimization (see this post for more), the outlier is to include an exhaustive list of keywords. Title tags are meant to describe the content on the page and to target 1-2 keyword phrases in the search engines, and thus, it would be terribly unwise to stuff many terms/phrases into the tag.
#17 Which of the following character limits is the best choice to use when limiting the length of title tags (assuming you want those tags to fully display in the search results at the major engines)?
Your Answer: 65
Correct Answer: 65
As Google & Yahoo! both display between 62-68 characters (there appears to be some various depending on both the country of origin of the search and the exact query), and MSN/Live hovers between 65-69, the best answer is... 65!
#18 PageRank is so named because it was created by Larry Page, not because it ranks pages.
Your Answer: TRUE
Correct Answer: TRUE
As you can read on Google's fun facts page, PageRank was named for its co-creator, Larry.
#19 A page on your site that serves as a "sitemap," linking to other pages on your domain in an organized, list format, is important because...
Your Answer: It may help search engine crawlers to easily access many pages on your site
Correct Answer: It may help search engine crawlers to easily access many pages on your site
As none of the others are remotely true, the only correct answer is that a sitemap page may help search engine crawlers easily access many pages on your site, particularly if your link structure is otherwise problematic.
#20 Which of the following search engines patented the concept of "TrustRank" as a methodology for ranking web sites & pages?
Your Answer: Google
Correct Answer: Yahoo!
The correct answer comes via the patent guru himself, Bill Slawski, who notes:
The citation that I’ve seen most commonly pointed at regarding trustrank is this paper - Combating Web Spam with TrustRank (pdf).
The authors listed on that paper are the named inventors on this Yahoo patent application:
1 Link-based spam detection (20060095416)
The remaining four describe an expansion of the trustrank process, referred to as dual trustrank, which adds elements of the social graph to the use of trustrank.
2 Using community annotations as anchortext (20060294085)
3 Realtime indexing and search in large, rapidly changing document collections (20060294086)
4 Trust propagation through both explicit and implicit social networks (20060294134)
5 Search engine with augmented relevance ranking by community participation (20070112761)
#21 Why are absolute (http://www.mysite.com/my-category)URLs better than relative ("/my-category") URLs for on-page internal linking?
Your Answer: They provide more keyword context for search engines judging internal links
Correct Answer: When scraped and copied on other domains, they provide a link back to the website
None of the answers makes sense, except that which refers to scrapers, who often copy pages without changing links and will thus link back to your site, helping to reduce duplicate content issues, and potentially provide some link value as well.
#22 How can you avoid the duplicate content problems that often accompany temporal pagination issues (where content moves down a page and from page to page, as is often seen in lists of articles, multi-page articles and blogs)?
Your Answer: Add a meta robots tag with "noindex, follow" to the paginated pages
Correct Answer: Add a meta robots tag with "noindex, follow" to the paginated pages
The only method listed in the answers that's effective is to use "noindex, follow" on the paginated, non-canonical pages.
#23 If you update your site's URL structure to create new versions of your pages, what should you do with the old URLs?
Your Answer: 301 redirect them to the new URLs
Correct Answer: 301 redirect them to the new URLs
The correct move is to 301 the pages so they pass link juice and visitors to the new, proper locations.
#24 When you have multiple-pages targeting the same keywords on a domain, which of the following is the best way to avoid keyword cannibalization?
Your Answer: Place links on all the secondary pages back to the page you most want ranking for the term/phrase using the primary keywords as the anchor text of those links
Correct Answer: Place links on all the secondary pages back to the page you most want ranking for the term/phrase using the primary keywords as the anchor text of those links
As this blog post explains, it's best to "place links on all the secondary pages back to the page you most want ranking for the term/phrase using the primary keywords as the anchor text of those links."
#25 The de-facto version of a page located on the primary URL you want associated with the content is known as:
Your Answer: Canonical Version
Correct Answer: Canonical Version
The only answer that is generally accepted in the search community is "canonical version."
#26 Which domain extensions are more often associated with greater trust and authority in the search engines?
Your Answer: .edu, .mil and .gov
Correct Answer: .edu, .mil and .gov
Although the search engines themselves have said there are no specific algorithmic elements that make domains from .gov, .edu and .mil more trustworthy or authoritative, these sites, due to the restriction of the TLD licensing, certainly have an association with more trust in webmaster's eyes (and, very often, the search results).
#27 High quality links to a site's homepage will help to increase the ranking ability of deeper pages on the same domain.
Your Answer: TRUE
Correct Answer: TRUE
The answer is "TRUE" as the properties of PageRank, domain trust, authority and many other search ranking factors will cause internal pages on a well-linked-to domain to rank more highly.
#28 The practice of showing one version of content on a URL to search engines, and another, different version to human visitors of the same URL is known as?
Your Answer: Cloaking
Correct Answer: Cloaking
As WebmasterWorld notes, this practice is called cloaking.
#29 Which HTTP server response code indicates a file/folder that no longer exists?
Your Answer: 404
Correct Answer: 404
The W3C standards for HTTP status codes tells us that 404 is the correct answer.
#30 Spammy sites or blogs begin linking to your site. What effect is this likely to have on your search engine rankings?
Your Answer: It may negatively affect your rankings as search engines associate your site with bad neighborhoods on the web
Correct Answer: A very slight positive effect is most likely, as search engines are not perfectly able to discount the link value of all spammy sites
The correct answer is that a very slight positive effect is most likely. This is because search engines do NOT want to penalize for the acquisition of spammy links, as this would simply encourage sites to point low quality links at their competition in order to knock them out of the results. The slight positive effect is typical because not all engines are 100% perfect at removing the link value from spam.
#31 A link from a PageRank "3" page (according to the Google toolbar) hosted on a very strong, trusted domain can be more valuable than a link from a PageRank "4" page hosted on a weaker domain.
Your Answer: TRUE
Correct Answer: TRUE
Since PageRank is not nearly the overwhelmingly strong factor influencing search rankings at Google these days, the answer is definitely "TRUE."
#32 What's the largest page size that Google's spider will crawl?
Your Answer: No set limit exists - Google may crawl very large pages if it believes them to be worthwhile
Correct Answer: No set limit exists - Google may crawl very large pages if it believes them to be worthwhile
As evidenced by many of the 500-100K+ pages in Google's index, there is no set limit, and the search engine may spider unusually large documents if it feels the effort is warranted (particularly if many important links point to a page).
#33 Is it generally considered acceptable to have the same content resolve on both www and non-www URLs of a website?
Your Answer: Yes, the search engines recognize they're the same thing
Correct Answer: No, this may cause negative indexing/ranking issues
This is generally considered a bad idea, and may have negative effects if the search engines do not properly count links to both versions (the most common issue) or even view the two as duplicate, competing content (unlikely, though possible).
#34 Which HTTP server response code indicates a page that has been temporarily relocated and links to the old location will not pass influence to the new location?
Your Answer: 302
Correct Answer: 302
The W3C standards for HTTP status codes tells us that 302 is the correct answer.
#35 Which of these is least likely to have difficulty ranking for its targeted terms/phrases in Google?
Your Answer: A new domain that has received significant buzz and attention in the online and offline media, along with tens of thousands of natural links
Correct Answer: A new domain that has received significant buzz and attention in the online and offline media, along with tens of thousands of natural links
This is a tough question, and the answer is even somewhat debatable. However, as phrased, the MOST correct answer is almost certainly - "A new domain that has received significant buzz and attention in the online and offline media, along with tens of thousands of natural links" - as each of the other situations have many examples of having very difficult times ranking well.
#36 What is the advantage of putting all of your important keywords in the Meta Keywords tag?
Your Answer: There is no specific advantage for search engines
Correct Answer: There is no specific advantage for search engines
The answer is that no advantage is conferred upon sites who include their terms in the meta keywords tag. For more on the subject, read Danny Sullivan's excellent post.
#37 Which of the following link building tactics do search engines tacitly endorse?
Your Answer: Viral content creation & promotion
Correct Answer: Viral content creation & promotion
As representatives from each of the major engines have acknowledged publicly, viral content creation and promotion is viewed as a legitimate and preferred tactic for link acquisition.
#38 Which HTTP server response code indicates a page that has been permanently relocated and all links to the old page will pass their influence to the new page location?
Your Answer: 301
Correct Answer: 301
The W3C standards for HTTP status codes tells us that 301 is the correct answer.
#39 Which of the following factors is considered when search engines assign value to links?
Your Answer: The date/time the link was created and the temporal relationship between that link's appearance and other time-sensitive criteria
Correct Answer: The date/time the link was created and the temporal relationship between that link's appearance and other time-sensitive criteria
The only one of these that search engines would consider (and have mentioned in patent applications like this one) is the temporal data.
#40 There is no apparent search engine rankings benefit to having a keyword-matched domain name (eg www.example.com for keyword "example").
Your Answer: FALSE
Correct Answer: FALSE
This is "FALSE," as many examples of keyword-targeted domains have been shown to have a phenomenal amount of ranking success in the engines, despite other factors not being nearly as strong as the competition.
#41 If you want a page to pass value through its links, but stay out of the search engines' indices, which of the following tags should you place in the header?
Your Answer: Use meta robots="noindex, follow"
Correct Answer: Use meta robots="noindex, follow"
As Google tells us here, the proper format would be to use meta robots="noindex, follow"
#42 Which of these factors is LEAST likely to decrease the value of a link?
Your Answer: The linked-to domain has a link somewhere that points at the linking domain (each domain link to pages on the other's site)
Correct Answer: The linked-to domain has a link somewhere that points at the linking domain (each domain link to pages on the other's site)
The right answer is "a link from the domain being linked to pointing at the linking site already exists (each domain link to pages on the other's site)." This is because despite the fact that these links are technically "reciprocal," they don't fit any pattern of penalization for such links (such as being listed on link list style pages). The search engines are least likely to devalue these because of all the natural patterns in which such linking occurs (blogrolls, news sites, forums, hobbyists, schools, etc.)
#43 Which of the following is a requirement for getting in the Google Local listings?
Your Answer: A physical mail address in your claimed location
Correct Answer: A physical mail address in your claimed location
The only one that's a must-have is the physical mailing address.
#44 Which of the following engines offers paid inclusion services for their main web index (not advertising):
Your Answer: Yahoo!
Correct Answer: Yahoo!
Currently, only Yahoo! offers paid inclusion through their search submit program.
#45 When is it advisable to leave the meta description off of a page?
Your Answer: When a large amount of pages exist and the options are between using a single meta description for all of the pages vs. leaving them with none at all
Correct Answer: When a large amount of pages exist and the options are between using a single meta description for all of the pages vs. leaving them with none at all
The correct answer is "When a large amount of pages exist and the options are between using a single meta description for all of the pages vs. leaving them with none at all." Duplicate meta description tags aren't the worst thing in the world, but they're certainly not providing any value and may have downsides from a duplicate content perspective (particularly if page content is very similar). Besides that, the other answers simply don't make sense :)
#46 A domain will not be hurt by having a penalized site or page 301'd to it.
Your Answer: TRUE
Correct Answer: TRUE
This is "TRUE," and has been tested by many a black hat. The danger here is that, once again, crafty spammers could use this technique to hurt their competitors if the search engines did penalize the receiving domain.
#47 Which of the following strategies is the best way to lift a page out of Google's supplemental index?
Your Answer: Link to it internally from strong pages
Correct Answer: Link to it internally from strong pages
As "supplemental" has been defined by engineers at Google as being a page with very little PageRank, the best way to lift it out, from the options given, is to link to it internally from strong pages.
#48 Which of the following is NOT speculated to be a contributing factor in achieving "breakout" site results in Google?
Your Answer: Having an active AdWords campaign
Correct Answer: Having an active AdWords campaign
The only one that doesn't fit is the use of an AdWords campaign, which Google has said has no impact on organic listings.
#49 Which of the following is the best method to insure that a page does not get crawled or indexed by a search engine?
Your Answer: Restrict the page using robots.txt
Correct Answer: Restrict the page using robots.txt
The clear best method above, and the one prescribed by the engines, is to use the robots.txt file to restrict access.
#50 If you want to rank for a country specific TLD/Top-Level-Domain extension (such as Yahoo.jp or Google.ca) which of the following is NOT important?
Your Answer: Linking out only to other sites with the targeted TLD extension
Correct Answer: Linking out only to other sites with the targeted TLD extension
Linking out only to other sites with the targeted TLD extension is certainly not a requirement nor a suggested method for inclusion into a country-specific search engine's results. See this recent video for more.
#51 Which of the following CANNOT get you penalized at the major search engines?
Your Answer: Selling links that pass value
Correct Answer: Using "nofollow" internally on your site to control the flow of link juice
As Matt Cutts has noted recently, using "nofollow" to sculpt the flow of link juice is perfectly acceptable.
#52 Which of the following directories had its ability to pass link value removed?
Your Answer: www.bluefind.org - The Bluefind Web Directory
Correct Answer: www.bluefind.org - The Bluefind Web Directory
Only BlueFind suffered this penalty - having had its ability to pass link value removed by Google, ostensibly for "selling PageRank."
#53 Which of the following is an acceptable way to show HTML text to search engines while creating a graphical image to display to users?
Your Answer: CSS image replacement - create a rule in the CSS file that replaces the text with an image based on a given class
Correct Answer: CSS image replacement - create a rule in the CSS file that replaces the text with an image based on a given class
The only method that's approved by search engines is to use CSS image replacement with the exact copy in both the image and the HTML text.
#54 For high-volume search phrases, the Search Engines usually will not differentiate between singular and plural versions of a term (eg "cell phone" vs. "cell phones" or "bird feeder" vs. "bird feeders").
Your Answer: FALSE
Correct Answer: FALSE
As we can see from searches on the various phrases - cell phone vs. cell phones and bird feeder vs. bird feeders - this is FALSE. There are clear differentiations.
#55 If your site is ranked in the #1 organic position for a given query, advertising in the top paid position for that search result will generally not produce an additional volume of search traffic.
Your Answer: FALSE
Correct Answer: FALSE
Research from several sources, including this eye-tracking research report from MarketingSherpa, indicates that the correct answer is FALSE. You get more traffic and click-throughs with both the top paid and organic results than either individually.
#56 What's likely to happen if multiple accounts on a single IP address vote up a story at Digg in a short time period?
Your Answer: Your accounts will be suspended
Correct Answer: Your accounts will be suspended
The most likely result, particularly if this is done multiple times, is to have the accounts suspended.
#57 Let's assume that you're running SEO for an auction website with many listings, sorted by categories and subcategories. To achieve the maximum search engine traffic benefit, what should you do with individual product/auction pages after the auction has expired and the product is no longer available?
Your Answer: 301 redirect them to the most appropriate category page associated with the product
Correct Answer: 301 redirect them to the most appropriate category page associated with the product
The "best" answer of the choices given is to 301 redirect the pages to the most appropriate category page associated with the product - this ensures that link value won't be lost, and visitors who come to the old page will get the best user experience as well.
#58 Which factor is most likely to decrease the ranking value of a link?
Your Answer: Comes from a page with many reciprocal and paid links
Correct Answer: Comes from a page with many reciprocal and paid links
All of the answers can provide significant link value except "comes from a page with many reciprocal and paid links," which is very likely to have a strong negative affect on the value of the link.
#59 Which of the following search engine and country combination does not represent the most popular search engine in that country?
Your Answer: Japan / Yahoo
Correct Answer: Japan / Yahoo
All of the above are correct, except Japan, where Google appears to now have a dominant search market share, despite Yahoo! getting more web traffic and visits. See also this piece from Multilingual-Search.com.
#60 Where do search engines consider content inside an iFrame to be located?
Your Answer: On the source page the iFrame pulls from
Correct Answer: On the source page the iFrame pulls from
Engines judge iframe content the same way browsers do, and consider them to be part of the source page the iFrame pulls from (not the URL displaying the iFrame content).
#61 If the company you buy links from gets "busted" (discovered and penalized) by a search engine, the links you have from them will:
Your Answer: Stop passing link value
Correct Answer: Stop passing link value
Since search engines don't want to give webmasters the ability to knock their competitors out with paid links, they will simply devalue the links they discover to be part of paid networks, such that they no longer pass value.
#62 Which of these queries would not have an "Instant Answer" or "Onebox Result" on Google?
Your Answer: Best Chinese Restaurant in San Francisco
Correct Answer: Best Chinese Restaurant in San Francisco
No surprisingly, the only correct answer is "Best Chinese Restaurant in San Francisco."
#63 Which major search engine serves advertising listings (paid search results) from the PPC program of one of the other major engines?
Your Answer: Ask.com
Correct Answer: Ask.com
Ask.com is the only major engine that shows ad results from another engine - specifically, Google.
#64 Duplicate content is primarily an off-site issue, created through content licensing deals and copyright violations of scraped and re-published content, rather than a site-internal problem.
Your Answer: FALSE
Correct Answer: FALSE
The answer is FALSE, as on-site duplicate content issues can be serious and cause plenty of problems in the search engines.
#65 Links from 'noindex, follow' pages are treated exactly the same as links from default ('index, follow') pages.
Your Answer: TRUE
Correct Answer: TRUE
This is TRUE - according to Matt Cutts in a comment here, links on pages with "noindex, follow" are treated exactly the same as links from default ("index, follow") pages.
#66 Which metric is NOT used by the major search engines to measure relevance or popularity in their ranking algorithms?
Your Answer: Keyword density in text on the page
Correct Answer: Keyword density in text on the page
Keyword density is the outlier here. Dr. Garcia explains why search engines don't use the metric here.
#67 If they have the same content, the Search Engines will consider example.com/avocado and example.com/avocado/ to be the same page.
Your Answer: TRUE
Correct Answer: TRUE
The answer is TRUE, as engines don't consider the trailing slash to create a different page (examples here and here).
#68 Which Search Engines currently allow the 'nocontent' attribute?
Your Answer: Yahoo!
Correct Answer: Yahoo!
To date, only Yahoo! has implemented the nocontent parameter.
#69 In which of the following countries does Ask.com have the most significant percentage of search engine market share?
Your Answer: United States
Correct Answer: United States
Surprisingly, the answer is the US, where Ask.com has an estimated 5% market share.
#70 For search engine rankings & traffic in Google & Yahoo!, it is generally better to have many, small, single topic focused sites with links spread out between them than one, large, inclusive site with all the links pointing to that single domain.
Your Answer: FALSE
Correct Answer: FALSE
This is FALSE, primarily because the search engines' current algorithms places a great deal of weight on large, trusted domains, rather than small, niche sites.
#71 The 4 major search engines - Google, Yahoo!, MSN/Live and Ask serve what approximate percentage of all searches performed in the US?
Your Answer: ~95%
Correct Answer: ~95%
According to nearly every study reported (including ComScore's), the four major networks, when AOL is included (serving Google results), provide ~95% of all searches in the US.
#72 The linkfromdomain operator displays what information and is available at which search engine(s)?
Your Answer: Data on what websites are linked-to from a given domain - available at MSN/Live only
Correct Answer: Data on what websites are linked-to from a given domain - available at MSN/Live only
As can be seen here, Microsoft/Live is the only engine to provide the command and it shows what pages are linked-to by a given domain.
#73 Which of the following social media websites is the least popular (as measured by active users & visitors)?
Your Answer: Newsvine
Correct Answer: Newsvine
Newsvine is the smallest of the above, both in terms of traffic and users.
#74 Which of the following pieces of information is NOT available from current keyword research sources?
Your Answer: Cost per click paid by PPC advertisers
Correct Answer: Cost per click paid by PPC advertisers
Since all of the current search engines have blind bid systems, the cost-per-click paid by advertisers is currently unavailable anywhere.
#75 The use of AJAX presents what common problem for search engines and websites?
Your Answer: It creates multiple pages with unique content without enabling new, spiderable, linkable URLs
Correct Answer: It creates multiple pages with unique content without enabling new, spiderable, linkable URLs
The largest problem for search engines is that AJAX frequently "creates multiple pages with unique content without enabling new, spiderable, linkable URLs."
Labels: Blog Optimization
Tired Of Blogging- Stop it then...
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Bloggers who are extremely passionate often tend to lose track of time, reading, writing and updating their blogs. More serious business bloggers have 2-3 blogs and they update them simultaneously. But if you are blogging addict and are burning out the hours that are needed by the rest of your life, you need to set your priorities right.
When you should give it up entirely?
Answer the following questions- Why do you blog? Is it just a hobby or is it going to achieve personal or business objectives for you? When you are clear with the reasons of why you started or about to start blogging it will never become a tedious job. Do not ever Blog just for the sake of it. It Reflects in your writing.
Are some of your blogs dieing a silent death? Do not try to give extra time to them. Instead maintain those who are hail and hearty(I read a few medical journals lately). Giving time to blogs that do not receive traffic anymore or was about a time sensitive topic which is no more hot(Like Cricket World Cup 2007). The time you are giving to such blogs may be deserved by a blog that people love to read. Give them a silent burial.
If your blog is not serving a purpose that it meant to be, you should really look for a cause. Do not follow the blogging trend. There may be more profitable ways that can enhance and promote your business. Stop wasting your time. Lots of blogs are abandoned everyday because they stopped serving their purpose, or more often, because the bloggers just grew up and moved to greener pastures.