8 A-list Blogger in making, you can be one of them
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I don’t want to tell you anymore about how to drive traffic to your blog and how to increase your fame factor. Everybody writes about that right, but this definitely requires a much deeper and detailed study. Every blog out there including mine, till date, has been telling you stuff.
I am not going to stop giving you information and advices about blogging . Every new thing around and all the strategies that I benefit from are there for you to know. But Here is how it will be different. What I am gonna do is, to give you something that will increase both your traffic as well as your Fame Factor.
Blogosphere is too big and its growing, its time we start identifying who can leave footprints for others to follow, and create public appeal. After the first phase of selection, estimated it will run for two months, 500 would be short listed. 8 A list bloggers would be in making. There would be a general voting system to democratically bring the good blogs into lime-light, but the final judgment would be done by our review team.
All you need to be is a socialite, who understands SEO as well as Web2.0 environments, a person who understands what we have already discussed.
It is a quest of making A list blogger who have capability and vision to build multi dollar business, using blog to give energy to their readers. Prizes would be given in every six months and we will provide them complete team and infrastructure to build their online business. Even if you don’t make it to the final nominations, there would be many benefits on your way. The first session is only for bloggers, but would be available to many other professionals in coming time.
You can provide your ideas here. I will disclose how you can be a part of it, create name, fame and a great business for yourself on internet. The best part is that you can participate in this, absolutely Free.
Why is it different-
All the awards till now have been declaring you winners but you received only that little hour of fame and self satisfaction.
Here you have U.S. $80,000+ in total, for winning bloggers, as well as providing full support towards building your business.
Yes you heard it right. There is a U.S. $80,000 at stake. The best blogger goes with U.S$25,000.
You will not only receive the money and the Blogging to Fame Trophy but also the nominees would be a part of Blogging to Fame Award Ceremony at Chicago later this year and receive their award in front of Best of bloggers. Can you imagine the name you will create for yourself. So here comes the part with media coverage. As things get more popular, you will be Interviewed by Blogging to Fame, which will increase your online presence and dominance. All fame for you to Handle.
Wait this is just the beginning, there is more to come, more benefits and larger steps towards fame.
So Blogging to Fame, Are you?
And do not forget to Subscribe the Feeds, if you want instant updates on the event...
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Creating Vision for Bloggers Generation Next
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I made a promise in my last post to give out the Secret, and have started a countdown, but don’t you think Secrets are revealed at the end of it.
Marketing is done most effectively when endorsed by celebrities and people having Good Fan Following. Similarly a Blogger’s success depends upon his readership, people following his advice, and how much persuasive he is. With Blogging crossing the age of adolescence and becoming mature a blogger’s job is no more a toddler’s play. A more professional and organized and focused mindset is required for getting any success in blogging. A successful blogger should be able to grab Big Blogging job opportunities and much more. So before I open up my so called ‘Secret’, here is my present definition for those who want to be called as Famous Bloggers.
An outlook of what a Famous Blogger should:-
1) Build Recognition for his employer of a project/contract he gets.
2) Have High persuasion Capabilities
3) Marketing Mind and Strong Understanding with his traffic
4) Know how to brand himself as well as products he is marketing
5) Know the Art to make fan followings.

We have seen the development of high traffic generating sites in the past, precisely called Evolution of Web2.0. Tapping the best of traffic from the social media is not as simple as stated by most internet marketing gurus. All the above mentioned mediums drive oodles of traffic which can be highly targeted and with persuasion capabilities you can easily develop regular readership. It definitely require Think Tank and a proper channel to get maximum out of this traffic. Now with the increase influence of internet in the markets and development of social media, its time to get more talented bloggers into lime light and make them celebrities.
The Quest which I’ll be launching soon, would be the first phase of finding and upbringing the finest bloggers who are willing to tap blogging as a big career as well as business opportunity into a great business model and to establish their dominance and prove their celebrity status.
So Guys are you all ready? Just have a little patience, and Yes there would be a lot to take home with you and the most Obvious FAME for many.
P.S. Only Great bloggers can make blogging jobs a profitable option for any business firm. Be one of them.
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Marketing is done most effectively when endorsed by celebrities and people having Good Fan Following. Similarly a Blogger’s success depends upon his readership, people following his advice, and how much persuasive he is. With Blogging crossing the age of adolescence and becoming mature a blogger’s job is no more a toddler’s play. A more professional and organized and focused mindset is required for getting any success in blogging. A successful blogger should be able to grab Big Blogging job opportunities and much more. So before I open up my so called ‘Secret’, here is my present definition for those who want to be called as Famous Bloggers.
An outlook of what a Famous Blogger should:-
1) Build Recognition for his employer of a project/contract he gets.
2) Have High persuasion Capabilities
3) Marketing Mind and Strong Understanding with his traffic
4) Know how to brand himself as well as products he is marketing
5) Know the Art to make fan followings.

We have seen the development of high traffic generating sites in the past, precisely called Evolution of Web2.0. Tapping the best of traffic from the social media is not as simple as stated by most internet marketing gurus. All the above mentioned mediums drive oodles of traffic which can be highly targeted and with persuasion capabilities you can easily develop regular readership. It definitely require Think Tank and a proper channel to get maximum out of this traffic. Now with the increase influence of internet in the markets and development of social media, its time to get more talented bloggers into lime light and make them celebrities.
The Quest which I’ll be launching soon, would be the first phase of finding and upbringing the finest bloggers who are willing to tap blogging as a big career as well as business opportunity into a great business model and to establish their dominance and prove their celebrity status.
So Guys are you all ready? Just have a little patience, and Yes there would be a lot to take home with you and the most Obvious FAME for many.
P.S. Only Great bloggers can make blogging jobs a profitable option for any business firm. Be one of them.
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This is going to Rock the Blogosphere
Monday, April 09, 2007

I have been working on something that is going to rock the blogosphere and that’s a promise.
With the growth of so many dedicated bloggers, there is a high need for recognition. It's so more demanding and its high time to bring in more Recognition and opportunities for the upcoming blogs who deserve to be there. Its expected that all blogsphere would prove their existence as more as collective democratic unit in the world of diverse Internet.
1000's of reviews and millions of diggs, so many spams and many so controversies makes this blogsphere so very interesting, now it is time to Rock it.
Firstly Before I Leak out the Secret, I will take this space to thank all my readers who have been still sticking with me and my irregularities.
With this blog I have made so many good friends and contacts like JimDWalton, Antman, ...and never to forget Lordmatt, Franciov n Dave White. I would like to give special mention to Amanda who many times asked to host my blog in her servers free of cost, which ir really appreciated. All those people who joined my Blog community and made this, a very simple blog among Top 50 blogs of MyBlogLog.
I may not have at certain times done the tag posts but it's really makes one feel good when you are tagged and these are those who have tagged me recently-
Best Blog Basket
Necessary Skills
Today Is That Day
Financial Independence
I have been working to watch all the upcoming blogs, the good and the not so professional ones, and to be true many have amazed me. The passion we bloggers have towards our blogs(read as children) and pain we take to bring them up to the level of maturity needs more appreciation, and Fame. Now I would expect similar love and appreciation from the blogsphere, and most my efforts would be to bring more worth to newbies as well as established bloggers.
Be the Part of Revolution.
I know I have not still let out the BIG WHY and HOW and WHAT but I will do that in the next post...
AND one more thing there are going to be all important updates here in coming weeks so expect lesser of tutorials here at least for now. I will recommend one more thing... Subscribe the feeds there would be plenty of updates, Because the countdown has Started.
Divya Uttam
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Forums can earn you traffic you have always wanted-
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Forums can add that extra mileage to your blog and help you get targeted traffic, but then you would require a little patience and a good knowledge about your subject, a little more research and lots of energy. If you are equipped with these go for it.
Earning requires efforts and forums need your equivalent attention. Remember, it is one place you get what you actually deserve. It wont be as simple as- Join a forum and leave a little signature. I am not making this hide behind a veil of comfort and easily to acquire process, because it is simply not. As in real world it takes time to get reputed, it is same in the blogosphere, and traffic is the most required commodity to survive. To get that edge you have to put in the hard work it requires, and I promise you would be satisfied with the results.
Choosing the right forum to participate-
The first step needs research but it can define your blog destiny. Join forums that are popular, have more than 500 members online at a time and most obviously related to your field. Dominating your niche means being it not around it. There are forums out there that cover your niche. Here are some good ones-

You can here more at DoshDosh’s Blog.
Building your reputation and positioning yourself-
This would need a little foresight here. How much will you trust a newbie or a person who keeps on getting into troubles and asking about it. It is better to use a second account for using others help. Be professional and do not make any guesswork while answering questions. It is good to assign yourself a slogan or a direction, or an image that you want to build on. Start with an end in mind. The little signature and the link below it is going to bring you all the traffic. People participating in forums normally are searching for information and love to explore links. Remember to make their visit worthwhile.
Don’t Sell your blog but market it-
The point itself is clear. Never ask anyone to visit your blog, or project in anyway that you are there to gain traffic. Helping people with their queries will soon earn you fans and they would always look forward to your advise. That is exactly the difference between selling and marketing same as manipulating and influencing. Those out there can easily make out the difference.
Reply to every message promptly-
Replying should always be started by replying to new and fresh threads. After posing a question, everybody is eager to find an answer soon. Every answer of yours is a permanent source of traffic for you, and do not forget to answer all those personal messages you receive. Remember there is an reputation to build.
Establish that Expertise-
Keep up with latest developments that happen on daily basis in the virtual world. You need to establish your voice in every forum you participate, so participate only those you can manage. I agree it will take a little time, so start working towards it from the day you make your profile page. Try answering as many threads as possible. Give good explanations and explain in details wherever needed. Your help will tempt them to visit you and make you establish yourself.
To Summarize tips-
TIP 1: Contribute helpful information often to the forums.
TIP 2: Include links to your sites or references to helpful sites.
TIP 3: Join multiple forums to increase your referral links and page ranking.
TIP 4: Get involved in the communities within the forum and become a trusted and respected member.
TIP 5: Answer questions and help fellow forum members with their problems.
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Technorati Tags:- Blogging Traffic, Forum Traffic
Earning requires efforts and forums need your equivalent attention. Remember, it is one place you get what you actually deserve. It wont be as simple as- Join a forum and leave a little signature. I am not making this hide behind a veil of comfort and easily to acquire process, because it is simply not. As in real world it takes time to get reputed, it is same in the blogosphere, and traffic is the most required commodity to survive. To get that edge you have to put in the hard work it requires, and I promise you would be satisfied with the results.
Choosing the right forum to participate-
The first step needs research but it can define your blog destiny. Join forums that are popular, have more than 500 members online at a time and most obviously related to your field. Dominating your niche means being it not around it. There are forums out there that cover your niche. Here are some good ones-

You can here more at DoshDosh’s Blog.
Building your reputation and positioning yourself-
This would need a little foresight here. How much will you trust a newbie or a person who keeps on getting into troubles and asking about it. It is better to use a second account for using others help. Be professional and do not make any guesswork while answering questions. It is good to assign yourself a slogan or a direction, or an image that you want to build on. Start with an end in mind. The little signature and the link below it is going to bring you all the traffic. People participating in forums normally are searching for information and love to explore links. Remember to make their visit worthwhile.
Don’t Sell your blog but market it-
The point itself is clear. Never ask anyone to visit your blog, or project in anyway that you are there to gain traffic. Helping people with their queries will soon earn you fans and they would always look forward to your advise. That is exactly the difference between selling and marketing same as manipulating and influencing. Those out there can easily make out the difference.
Reply to every message promptly-
Replying should always be started by replying to new and fresh threads. After posing a question, everybody is eager to find an answer soon. Every answer of yours is a permanent source of traffic for you, and do not forget to answer all those personal messages you receive. Remember there is an reputation to build.
Establish that Expertise-
Keep up with latest developments that happen on daily basis in the virtual world. You need to establish your voice in every forum you participate, so participate only those you can manage. I agree it will take a little time, so start working towards it from the day you make your profile page. Try answering as many threads as possible. Give good explanations and explain in details wherever needed. Your help will tempt them to visit you and make you establish yourself.
To Summarize tips-
TIP 1: Contribute helpful information often to the forums.
TIP 2: Include links to your sites or references to helpful sites.
TIP 3: Join multiple forums to increase your referral links and page ranking.
TIP 4: Get involved in the communities within the forum and become a trusted and respected member.
TIP 5: Answer questions and help fellow forum members with their problems.
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Labels: Blog Traffic
Ten Quotes for Bloggers about blogging…
Sunday, April 01, 2007

1). "Link to your enemies. Link to your competitors. Link to everyone. Instead of being sticky, be linky." - Scoble, Israel, Naked Conversations
2).This notion of self-publishing, which is what Blogger and blogging are really about, is the next big wave of human communication. The last big wave was Web activity. Before that one it was e-mail. Instant messaging was an extension of e-mail.
Eric Schmidt
3)“If an organization isn’t already in place where openness and transparency in communication exists and is practiced, then using tools like blogs will be unlikely to do anything positive for the organization. If your openness/transparency foundation isn’t there, don’t blog.” Neville Hobson - Scoble, Israel, Naked Conversations
4)"Fame is the Spur that the clear spirt doth raise
To scorn delights, and live laborious days"
5)Spend the hour blogging, and you will discover many more free hours during the day.
Mickey Kaus
6)Blogging was another important way of solving the freedom of expression and flow of information I was after and there was Six Apart.
Joichi Ito
7)I sincerely believe blogging can save America.
John Jay Hooker
8)Our passionate advice is that the time to join the conversation is now. The barriers to entry are miniscule, the benefits great, and blogging just happens to be fun." - Scoble, Israel, Naked Conversations
9) Is it a book you would even wish your wife or your servants to read?
Griffith Jones, Mervyn
Same goes with your blog.
Last one from me-
10)100s of Bloggers would spend 1000 of hours to be famous and millionaire, but not even one hour which would make their blog a million dollar worth.-Divya Uttam, Blogging to Fame
I hope you enjoyed...
Happy Blogging.
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