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Blog Optimization- Content and its Supremacy.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Continuing with what I was talking earlier on blog optimization, and what everybody knows, content has real power to make your post appear when a relevant keyword is searched for. Yet, there are a few hidden factors that can optimize your content to make it more powerful so that it has an edge over the information floating on net.

Anybody who is searching for information about a product or a service is indirectly searching for content. Search engines also look for the same, while indexing a website or a blog. The advantage that blogs share is that they are primarily made up of content, unlike the other websites that constitute a lot of graphics, which are inconsiderable for search engines.

Business blogs which are focused on a particular niche are better of in this context. When you write some post regarding a subject it consists of all the relevant content which search engines are in love with. In turn it makes it easier for your blog to rank higher in search engine placement for your keywords, even higher than some good rank websites.

Quality, the supreme master- Apart from what will make you a darling of search engines your blog is actually meant for the visitors that come to your blog. What you write and how you write is why your visitors become your readers and then fan followers. So when you are focusing on Blog optimization, you need to keep in mind that your post should be “attractive” enough, to bring readers to you in the first place and then keep them there. Don’t try to stuff the keywords. Read you post twice before publishing. If possible let a friend or a colleague of yours read it first. This way you can make sure that you are not over optimizing. Their remarks can help you know how useful your information s to others.

Key Ingredients you are supposed remember always:-

Keyword density and placement-
This is the number of times a keyword phrase appears on the page divided by the overall number of words it contains. If you are serious about optimizing, It is stated that a post should have between 500 and 800 words of quality or more, unique content. It should be divided into 3 to 5 paragraphs. Short post can also be optimized well keeping in mind that the keyword density must be somewhere between 2% to 8%, but its always better to have 4%-5%. However, do not churn out text which is keyword rich but doesn’t engage your readers - if you do, then it doesn’t matter if you are highly placed by a Search Engine because people will arrive and then immediately get turned away by the content.

As for the keywords, they should appear at least once in first phrase of the first paragraph with other two elsewhere in the same; thrice in last paragraph(once in the last phrase); and twice in every middle paragraph. Remember don’t overdo it. A lot of vitamins even are bad of health.

Bolding, Italicizing, Underlining, Strengthening-
The place where our keywords need more importance they should be bolded, italicized, underlined or strengthened. But there is a point that should be ALWAYS kept in mind, do not use each of these effects more than one time in the text otherwise your site can be considered a spam. So, apparently you have four places to do so. If you cannot find that many places where your keywords should be emphasized two effects can be used together, such as bold or strong with italic and underlined with any of the rest three.

Post regularly-
New content has a place in every search engine. The more you update the more likely is it for the search engines to keep on indexing your blog and your posts. So make sure that you maintain a flow of new and relevant postings.

Make sure that the idea is of quality content for your readers so don’t post just for the sake of it as this will reduce the overall quality of your blog. Write when you have something essential and relevant to.

All this may bring a sense of déjà vu, if you would be a regular reader of Blogging to Fame. But, this is to let you get a hang of it, as this is the most important aspect of Blog optimization.

So Happy Blogging,
To your Success,
Divya Uttam.

Related Posts:-
Blog Optimization- For Everything you should be concerned about
Optimizing Blog by Developing Keyword Relevance
Optimizing Blog by Developing Keyword Relevance-II

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posted by Divya Uttam, 7:10 AM | link | 3 comments |

So You Are A Wanna be A-List Blogger, Ugh!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Blogging Fame pictureWho does not want to be amongst the most popular and seeked out bloggers like the A-list bloggers are Wil Wheaton of WilWheaton.net and Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit. Being a part of bloggerati, is music to a blogger’s ears. Some people believe that if you are not in Technorati’s Top 100 blogs then your blog is rubbish. So how important it is for you to be amongst these A-list bloggers?

For being in Technorati’s Top 100 you need to have atleast 3000 blogs linking to you. As per today the top blog there is, engadget.com, having 25,994 blogs linking it. So as for Technorati its all the link game and you’ll have to play efficiently to be at the top.

Focusing too much on what is going to bring your blog on top, or being amongst the bloggerati, you will hamper the quality somewhere down the line. In fact, an effective business blog should never do it, because it would widen your prospective, and you would loose the purpose of your blog. Your blog should focus on the niche or market sector and designed to attract a specific audience interested in that area.

You don’t need to be a A-list blogger to be successful. Instead of being known as a celebrity blogger, its better to be known as an expert in your niche. For this you need to know your subject inside out. It will help you express and communicate better with your audience. Its all about how much you create a rapport with them. You can give such tips and tricks to your audience that only a few know.

You also need to keep up to date with what is happening in your industry. Subscribe a few good and relevant blogs’ feeds. Keep an eye on whatever is hot and happening and being talked about in the blogosphere. You will need to inform your audience about it. Give your views on it and ask for feedback.

One thing you need to be sure about, and I have talked about it before is to be passionate about what you write. If you are not, don’t ever expect your audience would be. Cover the subjects of your market and your parallel market, intelligently, anything that would be of help to your readers.

This all would help you build your credibility. Now, demonstrate your expertise through the information and knowledge that you share in your blog. Till you call yourself an expert, others wont(you don’t have to keep blabbering it out there). Use your articles to prove that.
Be a source of Information and News to your readers. Provide useful links and refer to others as well as your own work, so that they keep coming back to you whenever they need a piece of advice. Building relationships as we call it.

Writing and Posting is vital, otherwise why would anyone visit? But equally vital is contributing to other people's stuff. Visit others’ blogs and comment on them; put in a piece of advice. You can also write a post linking back to them. Use trackback where possible.

Being known as an expert in your field may pull in only a few thousand visitors, but each one of those will be your targeted audience. Not only that, you may attract other bloggers to link to you as well, and one day after all you turn out to be an A-list blogger. Be true to your business and in no time at all you will be successful.

Cheers to your Success,
Divya Uttam,
Happy Blogging.

Related posts-
True Indications for Blog fame.
Does your Blog carry Blogging Sense?
Intricate these elements to Blog to fame
Exact mindset for Better Blogging.
Blogging model for quality Business Leads.
Its going to flip, It’s going to Change

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posted by Divya Uttam, 10:10 AM | link | 4 comments |

Keyword Research and Adsense Income.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Rules to Know before you play the Brain’s Game

If you have a little knowledge about the kind of shots taken in a film I’ll call this a cut-away post. Here I wont directly be talking about what to do with your blog or how to optimize blogging but something that almost every blogger who is using adsense should know.

While working for the same keywords and under same niche I serve Google Adsense as well place our Google Adwords, I made a few major discoveries. Both of these services are very important to internet marketers as well as bloggers and they serve as the two basic streams of online income to most. We basically give a dollar for our ads placed and in return giving a click to Google for same ad we earn 40- 50 cents. That can be counted as 2:1 ratio. For every adwords visitor we need the two clicks on the adsense to cover the expenditure.

So I had two different prospective of working under same niche and want to earn and be profitable from both.

From my prospective of advertisements I want keywords that people are looking for aggressively, convert well and turn out to produce good ROI. Before you place your money on those adwords a bit of keyword research is necessary. You should keep in mind the following:-
  1. Pay far less prices for your adwords clicks.
  2. Bid on good converting keywords and leave negative keywords.
  3. The conversion of your landing pages should be administered and it would be much better if you can design keyword specific landing pages. This can be done by grouping specific types of keywords and developing more relevant landing pages. This way your quality score would be much better thus improving your bid prices.
  4. Here is one more $100 tip for you. This would even help you in building your list quite easily. Most of the times gurus tell to go in for long tail keywords. Don’t do this if you want to place your ads on search engines. Optimize your site for these kind of keywords rather than wasting your resources on them. You can get this traffic organically from search engines by developing keyword relevance. But how can you benefit for your Adwords campaign. Here is the trick. Go for long-tail keyword and intentionally opt for content ads, and now your ads would be placed on more relevant websites and you can snatch their traffic quite easily. This would also reduce your pay per click amount. With your savings you can go in for other convertible keywords.

For Adsense prospective we had to concentrate on these main issues:
  1. Continuous stream of targeted traffic.
  2. Without loosing your own traffic which could either convert as your customer for your products or a future prospect, we need to produce clicks on adsense.
  3. Developing more keyword relevant blog/website to get more and more targeted web traffic by organic search engine optimization, which would prove beneficial for long term. This would again be done using keyword relevance.
  4. Making good landing pages. Having search engine friendly websites helps a lot in making high quality score landing pages.
  5. How to combine Adwords account with your Adsense to literally place your ads just not free but for net profit. Have a thought about Google Arbitrage.

A typical keyword analysis would provide you with enough knowledge not just to get similar traffic for less amount, which may be literally free for your website and later you can get all this traffic which could be acquired for quite high paying adwords ads, organically. It is extremely important to understand your competition, the profitability and the amount of money and time you invest. Using industry-developed tools for specific jobs can make it easier for people to be more professional. It can all be done in a lot more aggressive and result oriented way.

Related posts-

Keyword targeting and understanding trends.
Optimizing Blog by Developing Keyword Relevance
Optimizing blog by developing keyword relevance-II

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posted by Divya Uttam, 9:53 AM | link | 2 comments |

Give the power of RSS to your Blog

Friday, November 24, 2006

RSS graphicAs we already talked about what is RSS in the last post, and we already know that RSS can be of help in increasing our popularity, most people think just blasting out RSS feeds from their blogs notifying readers for any(and all) new posts will do the trick. This post will guide you to unleash the power of RSS and exploit the technology to extremes.

What RSS helps us with most obviously are the following-
  • Greater Visibility- both Search Engine and Otherwise
  • Incoming Links- Everybody wants those
  • A great way to maintain fan following- AHA!
  • And last but not the least it will provide you with industry/niche latest updates and information before a blink of your eyes so that you can keep your blog up to date.


RSS gives you more visibility, we all know that. It also gives you what every site owner loves to have, i.e., Incoming links. If you write articles which are very appealing to your visitors, a lot of them will subscribe your RSS feed and display it on their own site, what do you get in return - incoming links. Syndication should be such that people can use your articles in their site, linking back to you.

Incoming Links with relevant anchor text can prove to be a boon for your Search Engine Optimization. For this you just need to name the feed right. The title of your RSS feed is equally important as naming of your blog, but the difference here is that your Blog’s title is read by the humans and also machines, whereas, RSS feeds are interpreted by machines or programs. A blog’s title should be attractive and catchy, where as a feed’s title should focus on the keywords it uses.

Submitting your RSS feed to major RSS search engines and directories is one of the best online marketing strategies you can use, as it allows people to find you through the very gateways used by others to search for the content they are looking for. You can search for these directories through search engines themselves like Syndic8.com

To get through Yahoo or MSN search engine, use the backdoor entry, the much faster and easier way. Login your own yahoo or MSN account and Add your feed to MyYahoo! or MyMSN personalized page. That’s it, you are done. Your RSS feed will soon be listed in the Yahoo!’s or MSN’s Directory with the pages your feed links to from your blog.

Build your feed category wise. Depending on the blog software which you use, a number of options might be available(especially for those using blogging engines installed on their own servers). It’s wise to provide with the specific information your audience is looking for. Options can mean more people subscribing and a higher level of interest from those who receive the feeds. The specifics of how(and if) your blog engine can support these enhanced syndication features will vary based on the software you use. The options for you to try could be-
  1. Category Feeds- People who may want to know about Search Engine Optimization may not want to know about blogging, or people who might want to know about latest films may not like to know about the latest ipods in the market. As almost every blog covers wide variety of topics, in a niche, and a reader may want to know only about a few of them.
  2. Calendar Feeds- subscribers will want to know about the events a resort conducts date wise. Offering a dedicated calendar feed for the purpose will do the trick.
  3. Author Feeds- Your blog may have more than one contributor. Offering specific feeds for the author can create a different fan-following for both. Nonetheless, both would be traffic for the same blog.
  4. Comment Feed- Now-a-days readers want to keep a track of the conversation going on, at their favorite blog, and want to get notified for every new input. The more powerful blog systems are now offering comments feed as an option.
One of the very basic profit you can acquire from RSS is that you can keep your blog updated and fresh by displaying relevant RSS feeds there. Apart from keeping your blog alive this would also help you cover the latest developments in your niche and technology news of the market. You can subscribe to lets say 10 blogs and display important feeds from them. Providing a different feed for this section will help your users to get necessary information from subscribing your blog itself, and he wont have to subscribe the 10 blogs where you are picking feed from.

Think beyond directories and how in real world you can exploit RSS for the benefit of your business.

To your success,
Divya Uttam.
Happy Blogging.

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RSS- What and What Not?
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What you can learn from T.V Soaps while Blogging?
7 Truths for increasing your blog's social likebility!

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posted by Divya Uttam, 4:26 AM | link | 1 comments |

True Indications for Blog fame.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Better Blogging graphic
With the ever increase of blogs and even more increase in the number of BUSINESS BLOGS, are you able to get some kind of attention from blogsphere? Here are true indications that influence the increase of your blog influence-

1. Getting traffic from search engines. It’s important, and as we know the search engines have literally stopped sending traffic to irrelevant web sites. You should always track your visitor’s movements. Google analytics is free and good tool that provides a quite comprehensive information.

2. Getting at least 30% of repeat blog visitors. Its key to your blog's success, if thats not the case, sit back and structure your blog again. These repeated visitors are people those make your BLOG LIVE and going.

3. Track your visitor bounces. If it’s getting on higher side like more than 50% work on this. If it gets more than 80% you might be thrown out of search engine, as they are very particular about visitor satisfaction.

4. Blogs are quite effective in creating buzz and improving online visibility. New innovative ideas to create the right BUZZ and should be integrated with your blog promotion. Your blog should be effectively made to handle and exploit the traffic you get because of this buzz.

5. Blog content is rightfully syndicated. Its a key for generating good inbound links. You don’t have to worry about where it is getting syndicated.

6. Blog design is a very important aspect for coming time. Business blogs should understand the latest trends of Web2.0 world. Navigation, links to relative content, contact information, and other related information that a visitor can look for, should be easily accessible. For your business, it is mandatory that you should be able to get the visitor information as well as direct him into your business funnel.

7. Getting blog just to get an Adsense income is a bad idea for any business blog. In long terms, you are loosing your prospect for few cents. A bit of innovation is required for small business blogs who want to support their blog through Adsense income. Even if you are talking the Adsense language, let your blog talk about information or News, anything that is useful to your visitors.

These are few important points to ponder and good to be accounted for a blog success. Few people do question me why I am not effectively using these points for this particular blog? To see these working, they will have to wait till my Branding Weblog is launched.

Related posts-
Does your Blog carry Blogging Sense?
Intricate these elements to Blog to fame
Exact mindset for Better Blogging.
Blogging model for quality Business Leads.
Its going to flip, It’s going to Change

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posted by Divya Uttam, 11:10 AM | link | 3 comments |

RSS- What and What Not?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

RSS iconsThe definition of RSS can very easily be found on net, but as we will be talking about it, it is mandatory to describe it here.

“RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is a simple XML-based system that allows you to subscribe to your favorite websites. Using RSS, webmasters can put their content into a standardized format, which can be viewed and organized through RSS-aware software or automatically conveyed as new content on another website.

Programs known as feed readers or aggregators can check a list of feeds on behalf of a user and display any updated articles that they find. It is common to find web feeds on major websites and many smaller ones. Some websites let people choose between RSS or Atom formatted web feeds; others offer only RSS or only Atom.

RSS-aware programs are available for various operating systems. Client-side readers and aggregators are typically constructed as standalone programs or extensions to existing programs such as web browsers and Email readers. Many browsers have integrated support for RSS feeds. There also are other applications that can convert an RSS feed into several usenet articles, viewable through the major newsreader software such as Mozilla Thunderbird.

Web-based feed readers and news aggregators such as YourLiveWire require no software installation and make the user's "feeds" available on any computer with Web access. Some aggregators combine existing web feeds into new feeds, e.g., taking all football related items from several sports feeds and providing a new football feed. There are also search engines for content published via web feeds like Feedster or Blogdigger.

On Web pages, web feeds (RSS or Atom) are typically linked with the word "Subscribe", an orange rectangle, , or with the letters or . Many news aggregators such as My Yahoo! publish subscription buttons for use on Web pages to simplify the process of adding news feeds.”

This is not very orignal post but a defination can never be one. In my next post I will be taking up the advantages of using RSS with blogging, which will prove to be very profitable step towards blogging to fame.

Divya Uttam,
Happy Blogging.

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7 Truths for increasing your blog's social likebility!

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posted by Divya Uttam, 8:18 AM | link | 0 comments |